Sunday 21 January 2007

Definitions of charity / voluntary societies (ongoing)

The posting on "moral reform" mentions a C19 distinctinction between moral reform organisations and charities (the original quote in Roberts is from a temperance society member) but others didn't see a difference - eg Edward Baines in 1843 lumps "mechanics institutes, literary societies, circulating libraries, youth's guardian societies, friendly societies, temperance societies, medical charities, clothing societies, benevolent and district visiting societies" as all bodies "for the diffusion of knowledge and for the dispensing of every kind of good" (quoted in RJ Morris Voluntary Societies and British Urban Elites).

RJ Morris also has a useful also has a useful definition of voluntary societies as "organized groups of people formed to further a common interest. Membership was neither mandatory nor acquired by birth".

Should the definition in my study be "voluntary society" rather than "charity"?

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