Friday 8 December 2006

Social or moral entrepreneurs

I'm currently reading Making English Morals by MJD Roberts, which has some interesting points about the moral reform associations of the early nineteenth century which have parallels with today. One of them is about "moral entrepreneurs" of this period (in this case the campaigning magistrate Patrick Colquhoun) who had "a vested interest in creating a market for his own expertise". Which sounds quite a lot like some of today's social entrepreneurs beloved of many politicians.

There's also some good points about the crossover between more direct charities and wider moral reform organisations in developing a middle class consciousness and the desire to "nudge" the urban working class to take on middle class values of domesticity (see Tony Blair on parenting), deferred gratification (see the Tory "tosser within" ad) and prudent foresight (see Labour Minister James Purnell).

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